
in Balance

Welcome *Please note: I am not currently accepting new clients*

Thank you for visiting my website. If you are new to therapy, you probably have questions and possibly some fear about the process. You may be wondering if you really need outside help and how therapy can help you feel better. Bringing your fears and sorrows to a trained and empathic listener is not only comforting, but also beneficial. A positive therapy relationship can heal old wounds, regulate difficult emotions and provide the safety needed to explore your deeper self. 

If you've tried therapy before and were disappointed with the results, keep reading. My approach is considerably different from standard talk therapy. I draw primarily from Core Energetics, a somatic (body) psychotherapy that recognizes the unity of body and mind. Therefore, I focus as much on subtle changes in energy and posture as the content of your communication. In addition, I sometimes use movement and mindfulness techniques to reduce unpleasant symptoms and the deeper processing techniques of Core Energetics to resolve trauma. As a Certified Core Energetics Practitioner, I employ a variety of techniques to help you achieve a more satisfying life. 

If you are looking for extra support during a challenging situation or feel it's time to move in a new direction, call or email me for a consultation. Using a holistic approach, which honors the processes of the mind, body, and spirit, we will journey together to uncover your true potential and purpose. I believe humankind naturally evolves toward being more conscious, self-aware, and self-realized. It is my goal to help you discover and remove the barriers that are limiting your natural state of wellness today.

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